5 thoughts on “Wonder Day: Why is the center of Australia hotter than the edges?

  1. I was quite fascinated by the choices you made in presenting your findings. Using the map as the vehicle to deliver your information was so effective and clever.

    What got you interested in this topic? I was so interested in the climate presentation from Australia, as the weather patterns are so different for their continent than for North America. I had not thought about their ocean currents and land masses there as much as I’ve thought about ours, so I learned a lot.

    Very cool project, Woodlands! Hope you enjoyed Wonder Day!

  2. Your question is very interesting! Is there anywhere you want to go in Australia? What is your favorite Australian animal?

  3. Hi! Interesting question! Have you found the answer or did I miss where that is posted? I live outside of Chicago, IL, and while it is hotter inland here than by Lake Michigan, the center of the United States gets colder in the winter than it does in places like New York City because the oceans keep the land a little more moderate. Weather and temperature are very fascinating! If you want to check out what some of my students have been blogging about, head here: https://blog.seesaw.me/tues5th.
    Mrs. Calcagno 🙂 #STUBC Official Commenter

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